Mr. Bean on Voyager (Sequel to Mrs. Miggins' Revenge)

Disclaimer: Again, I don't own the rights to Star Trek or Mr. Bean. This is a work of fan fiction strictly for enjoyment. Jean Akins

SCENE: Panic on board the Star Ship Voyager. Engineering is being evacuated. The crew realizes it's all in vain, as there is not enough time to evacuate the ship.

Ship's Computer: Warning! Warp core breach eminent. Destruction in ten seconds.

SCENE: Ten seconds later. Darkness of space. We see Voyager explode. There is no hope of anyone aboard having survived.

Son of Q: Oops.

Q: Now look what you've done.

Son of Q: I forgot he was still on board. Dad, it's not my fault! I was distracted!

Q: When are you going to take responsibility for your actions?

Son of Q: Don't worry, Dad. I'll fix it.

Q: This one's beyond your abilities, son. I'll do it THIS TIME. But we're going to have a long talk about this afterward. Understand?

Son of Q: Yes, sir.

Q snaps his fingers. Voyager reappears intact. The crew on board are all alive again. They remember the seconds before the warp core breach, the terrible explosion, and so now they are completely confused as to why they are alive.

Q: Whatever possessed you to think it would be a good idea to put him on board? He's the embodiment of Earth's Last Seven Plagues all rolled into one.

Son of Q: At the time it seemed like a good idea. I thought it would be fun. You know, liven things up a bit.

SCENE: Voyager's Sick Bay a few minutes before the explosion. The Doctor is examining his patient. Four security guards stand by keeping an eye on this patient.

Doctor: Well, Mr. Bean. You're in perfect physical health. I still don't understand how you came to be here on board Voyager. But here you are. No, please put down those instruments. Those are not toys. (takes the medical instruments away from Mr. Bean) You really shouldn't have tinkered with the ship's controls. You may have very well put Voyager in grave danger. Right now Engineering is doing all they can to fix what you've done.

SCENE: The Captain's Ready Room

Janeway: Let me get this straight. You have access to a wormhole that allows you to travel back and forth between Earth to Voyager? And you can do so as easily as stepping between one room to another?

Sprite: Yes, Captain. We've been using it to visit your ship's holodeck.

Janeway: Harry, we'll talk later.

Harry (nervously): Yes, Captain.

Sprite: Captain, I know what you're probably thinking. Why can't you use the wormhole so that Voyager can return home to Earth?

Janeway: You're going to answer that question for me, aren't you?

Sprite: Yes. You're welcome to use it, Captain, but it won't get you home. True, you'd arrive at Earth, but in the wrong century. We're from the year 2002.

Janeway: Might have known it was too good to be true. Now, about this strange Mr. Bean --

Jeanster: I apologize, Captain. Please don't blame Harry. I'm the one who wanted to have the Mr. Bean character programmed into the holodeck. He's one of my favorite fictional characters, so I thought it would be a blast.

Ship's Computer: Warning! Warp core breach eminent. Destruction in ten seconds.


Mrs. Miggins' Revenge